The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)

THE PADUCAH SUN, PADUCAH, KY. B-ll TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1983 OO LOTS OO FOR SALE CROSSWORD OATS APS bemuseHc eleven jo Ol LUTE jt Qiscr HTUNjfj AS El NUT Llll TRiTtcIije i ACROSS I. amas, mot 4. The Altar 7. Sam College rnrnetorning 13.

Th maples 14. Operatic character 15. Mrs. Nugent 16. Medieval fortress Anoi 17 19.

Boy1! nkknamt 20. French preposition TT OBERO MUSED EfWPL SOLUTION I 12 13 I 5 16 I 17 8 19 io il iZ 13 iS ib 20 IT" 21 23 iq 25T2o" i 53 if 36 "37 38 mo Ml IMS MH 2. Its capital is Bar-re-Duc 3. Evicts 4. Evot 5.

Men's club 6. Pineapple 7. Partner 8. Sagacity 9. Schedule 10.

Afflicts 12. Born 18. Bleary 21. Venomous 22. Kindled 23.

Jujube 25. Per 26. Shooter 27. Ratified 28. Coleslaw 29.

Spore case 30. Mettle 31. Smock 32. Goddess of peace 35. Judeon king 37.

Cuprite 39. Concho 726 98 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1976 FORD LTD, 4 dr. sedan, good cond. $1,200. 653 5671.

1976 MAVERICK, 3 white, 70,000 mi. Must see. 554-2635 after 5. 1976 NOVA, PS, PB, air, 57,000 mi. Call 554-8144 or 554-3587.

AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1975 VW, AMFM, good driving car. 442 5209. 1973 BUICK ELECTRA 225 4 dr. will be ouctioned July 30, 10:30 at the Driver 406 Broadway. Funds go to Ky.

Crime Council to support local Spouse Abuse Center ond Renaissance House. Cor will be on display Fri. July 27, 28, 29. Donated by Poducah New Car Dealers. 1973 HONDA, metallic blue, 4 speed, good condition.

Coll 442-3951. 1973 MONTE Corlo, $695. 443 5636, osk for Donald. 1973 PLYMOUTH Fury, solid transportation, low miles. 442-5705.

1973 BIRD, loaded, good $695, 443-6642. 1970 FIAT 850 Spyder convertible, needs top, $325, after 6, 642-2186. 1966 FORD MUSTANG, red, 6 898-3937. 1953 STUDEBAKER Starlight Coupe, very good cond. 527-1261.

'77 GRANADA, $1,800. 442-2977 or 443 4743. '76 VOLKSWAGON Beetle, 554-3780, after 6. ALLAN RHODES HONDA CHRYSLER SALES Has Moved to 32nd Pork Ave 444-6901 Bob Pugh Auto Sales 30 yrs. in Poducah 1101 South 6th 442-4942 Jack Wilson Chevrolet Used cor wOK that counts 34 17 Pork Ave.

442-6184 KINSEY-MORRIS, INC. 300 North Moin Benton, Ky. Dial 527-3 104 or 527-1 874 NICE 75 DODGE 442-5616 PADUCAH DATSUN 1049 KENTUCKY AVE. New Cars A Trucks Poducah, KY 442 7154 WYNN SALES-SERVICE USED CARS We Do Our Own Financing 11 19 Broodway 443-1728 Charlie or Bob ot: 98 OB wmwt PUZZLE Mobil homes Servant Crust Apogee Stubborn Ptfftn Greek letter Sloths lea SonrJoroc tree Latona Baffling Acidity Chinese porcelain Strike out Squash 44. Prior DOWN 1.

Prepared AP Newsfeatures 97 TRUCKS FOR SALE 1968 WHITE freightliner, 238 single axle; flatbed troiler. Days 443-5333, nights 554-4160. '71 FORD von, customized. Sell or trade for G.M. p.u.

truck CASH TALKS-BRING IT 79 FORD PU, loaded, nice. MAKE YOUR DEAL NOW! 81 Lux travel Van, 20 mpg 98 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1975 CHRYSLER Imperial, $500. 443-5509. 1975 Mazda Pickup, $1,595. BOB LITTLE USED CARS 2099 SOUTH BELTLINE PHONE 443-1988 1975 PLYMOUTH Scamp, 62,000 mi.

$900. 554-3446. RODGERS AUTO SALES Highest for trucks, jeeps 1 200 S. 6th Dial 444-7721 RUDD WOODALL Will buy your car 1331 Ky.Ave. 443 3440 SOUTH Central Bell Surplus vehicle sale, locotion Murray Auto Auction, Hwy.

1824, Almo, July 28, 5:45 p.m. Included are cars, vans, utility trucks. Terms: cash or certified check. Call 753-8300. Only the sale of telephone vehicles' open to the public.

SUPER SATURDAY ON THE BELTLINESALES-SERVICE SPECTACULAR Service clinic Free up to 46 point check-up. MLTY S. Beltline UNITED AUTO SALES 1701 IRVIN COBB DR. 443-0428 WANTED: tires, wheels, mogs. 1331 S.

3rd. WE buy, sell, trade tires, wheels, mogs. 1331 S. 3rd. WILL BUY YOUR CAR Woodrow Hook Motor Soles 1600 Ky.

443-4814 Spf AGE aIlIlieIyUt At BlSflM I Of YESTERDAY'S 1983 PULSAR NX with on options 8,800 1982 280 ZX TURBO Leather interior, T-top $13,700 1982 280 ZX Leather, 5 speed, ps, pb, air 1982 SENTRA Auto, air, am 6,395 1982 DATSUN 210 2 Door sedan 4,495 1981 MAXIMA All factory options 9,495 1 979 TRANS AM t-tods. loaded 5,895 1979 PONT. GRAN LeMANS Air, stereo 4,700 .1979 FORD LTD LANDAU Air 4,500 1979 DATSUN 210 Hatchback 2,700 1978 FORD LTD II Air. ps. pb 2,695 1977 BUICK LIMITED All factory options 3,795 1 974 DATSUN Hatchback $1 ,400 AUTOMOBILES FORSAU 1981 AMC Concord 4 dr.

Hatchback, loaded, low miles, super clean. $2,495. 442-2837. 1981 CHEVROLET-Caprice Classic diesel station wagon with new diesel engine, oir, power windows, PB, PS, AM-FM stereo radio, 25 28 mpg. $5,500.

665-9146 days; 665-5270 nights. 1980 MONTE Corlo, V8, ps, pb, air, AM-FM, tilt, local car, new radial tires. $5,500. 462-3918. 1980 280 ZX 22, block, exc.

cond. Call 8984358 or 4434515. 1979 Caprice Estate Wgn, 9 power seats, windows, locks, tilt, cruise, AMFM stereo, $4,300. 554-5321. 1979 CHEVY wagon, 1 owner.

Exc. cond. 55.000 mi. 1978 CAMARO, Mops, well kept car. Call 4434822.

1977 Buick Century, nice, $2,250, I975 Cadillac, sharp, $2,350, 1974 Volvo 164E, $2,500, 1970 Chevy Pickup, nicest oround, 1965 Cutlass Drag Cor, $2,500, 1963 VW Drag Car, $2,500, Can be seen at 3920 Schneidman after 6 p.m. 1977 CADILLAC SEVILLE Triple yellow, extra cleon. 395-4973 1977 CORVETTE, PS, PB, tiittle wheel, oir, low mi. '74 Malibu Classic, PS, PB. 1982.

1976 CUTLASS Supreme, 2 power, air, mogs. Good cond. 1976 DATSUN 280Z with oir, new point job. Sharp! First $2,995. 442-2837.

'77 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM GOOD CONDITION. ALL THE EXTRAS. $5,400 7594611 PLUS TAX MERCURY 443-1711 98 HOUSES FORSAU 8 FIXED RATE KY Housing Financing If your annual income does not exceed $25,000. You may qualify for a new home In Great Oaks SD. Limited supply of funds.

1st come 1st serve basis. Palmer Home Builders 554 5743 days, 554-0521 nights LONE Oak, over 1,700 sq. ft. brk. home, 3 BR, 2 over 780 sq.

ft. art. oar oge, patio, cent, heat air. By owner. 1 1 loon avail.

Moving out of state. 554-5366. Appt. only. Mid $50's.

COUNTRY living by the golf course. 658 N. 36rh St. 2 BR, 1 Ig. floored attic, screened porch, spacious deck.

Appt. only. 443928 after 5:30 p.m. 10 FINANCING ON CONTRACT. Low down pmt.

4 BR, FR, FP, 2 full brick patio, 2 car att. 2 cor det. Ige. lot, 2 blocktop drives. 898-7941.

2 2 2 2 houses, 2 mobile homes on 2 ocres, owners will finance. 554-1487 or 554-4436. 10 FINANCING ON CONTRACT. Low down pmt. 2 BR partly remodeled.

Business or residential. Lge. lot. Coll 898 7941. 3242 MONROE, 5 room house, cent, heat air, 2 BR, 1 LR, DR, WBFP, full basement, mid $40's.

4420990 443-9939. OWNER relocated, must sell. 2 BR, corner lot, 100x160', 2 car low util. $27,950. Open doily 3-6.

403 S. 19th. 2 or 3 BR brick home, good well, new 2 cor garage, blacktop dr. 2 acres, near Brookport, IL, immediate possession, 6 1 8-524-78 14. 3 BR, 38 ocres, Vi tillable, timber, Possum Trot area, blacktop private, appraised for $122,000, osking $50,000.

898-7517. HOUSE for sale by owner. 2 story brick in Old lown. Needs lots of work. Invest ment potential.

442-3514. 2 BR. 6 vr. old. wooded lot.

1 acre, pond. $5,500 and take over payments $199.70 for 9 yrs. 44J-64W. NO down payment to qualified buyer. Blankenship Realtors, bVB- 1 PRICE reduced.

Need to sell. 4 BR, 2 double garage. Neor new mall. 443-2552. NEW brick homes in Ledbet-ter, no downpayment.

898-3952. 3 BR homes. Hunting Hills Lone Ook. 898-7912. 81 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE ATTENTP Trode-ins, Trade-ins.

Good clean used homes, con be bought at low prices. Examples: 1978 Liberty 14x70' 3 BR, 1 Vi $8,500 1978 Schult 14x70" 2 BR, front den Cent, oir $9,000 The sole is still going real strong! So shop around and come in and compare. PADUCAH MOBILE HOMES 3700 Clarks River Road CLEARANCE SALE on all 1983 models. Making room for 1984 models at KY. LAKE EES 4817 Clarks River Rd.

898-6991 Own a home of your own. Pmts. under $200. Open til 8 weekdays 6 Sat. Sun.

1977 VIKING, extra nice, 2 BR, 10x20 deck on bock, partly all foundation, underpinning, steps, air cond. $5,100. 395-7804. 1980 SCHULT Clossic, 3 BR, 114 house-type windows, cent. air.

Exc. cond. Saxony Mobile Home Park, lot 28. 554-8374. MUST SELL! 1972 NEW MOON, 1 2X60', $4,000, 197,8 14X72' 3 BR, 2 Ballard 665-9925.

8x35' MOBILE home, $1,500. Coll 362-4067 or 527-1582. MOBILE Home underpinning for 14x56, color Almond, almost new. $150. 665-5674.

2 BR 12x65, cent, air underpinning, steps, good cond. 444-9669. 1982 12x55' CLAYTON with AC. $8,900. Exc.

cond. 898-8138 or 898-7941. 1982 LIKE new, small down unfum. wappl. Extra nice.

443-0257. NICE fum. carpeted 70 Dolphin, gas BR at eoch end. 898-7 1 46. '82 SCHULT 14x56', low utilities.

Will sell for payoff. Phone 443-0089. 12x65' WINDSOR, 2 BR, completely washer dryer. Must see. 623-6322.

1974 PARK AVE. 12x70', 3 BR. needs work. $2,300. 6236322.

Gateway Mobile Homes Top prices paid for homes 527-1427 Benton, Ky. 73 12x65', 3 BR, exc. cond. many extras. 898-7259.

1974 3 BEDROOM, 1 Vi bath. 898-7254. 1974 12X65, 2 BR, 2 port, fum. must sell, 898-6158. 1978 WINDSOR 14x70', 3 BR, B.

443-2499, 443-3207. FLEETWOOD, 1973, 3 BR, 2 gas. 488-3023. 12x60 ALLAMO, cent, ht. oir, exc.

cond. 443-9885. 82 LAND A FARMS FOR SALE GLEK2ALE ACRES In the heart of N. Morshall Co. Small acreage tracts, restricted, private, big timber.

N.M. water. Affordable. 362-8683. APPROX.

80 ocres, no Wag opprox. 30 ocres tillable, 25 mi. from the city. 442-5990, 95. 118 ACRES, good form-house, near Hordmoney, $75,000.

Joe Sloan Realty, 442-6379. 80 JtQ APAVTMIN1S IA HOUSES fOI KMT WmiMT iimv COZY 2 BR, garage, near W. lLriLoJ laui.iLd Boptlst Hospital-Tilghmon, 720 Oat Ro I across from Hatwran Ploxa. 2 BR, 2423 PARK Ave. Large 2 $156 incl.

water, rafuM col- BR, $235 mo. 1 year leose lection, range refrigerator, with dep. 443-3649 days. Reasonable utilities. Office hrs.

9-5; Sot. HOUSES FOR RENT by oppt. Units ovoilo- Johnson Rea I Estate ble with short term leases. 443-1716 Limited offer. 443-3992.

NICE 2 BR, stove, refrig air. rrrm iitc ItLlilAL LkIIO 2 BR, Cairo adults, no NOW AVAILABLE 175 444 9804 Aprs. houses $124 $151 I BR house, rent dep. No mo. Gas range, pets.

444-9819. water refuse pickup furn. i with only. The best MOBILE HOMES SIS iT- 442" I HT 346V, O.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday. 2 BR, turn AC, extra clean, muKiir-u.

a 7 nice, big PRIVATE LOT. 103 MINNICH Ave. Apartments. York, odults only. 1 85.

898- Appllcations being taken for 2210 HUD Section 236 supple- mented apartments. Nice NICE 2 BR, 12x55' quiet setting incl. range. AC. $185.

443-1421, 443- water refuse collec- 5454. S2. JR. 5 MILES south of Lone Oak, pets. 3425 Roell 443- $175.554.1,98.

4200. Equal housing oppor- 2 BR, AC, $165, $215 WHITTIER Apts. 1301 N. 50 dep. 898-7616.

13th. Applications being REIDLAND, 60x12'. Den, taken for 1 BR, section air. $150 $50. 898 3235.

HUD subsidized for oge 62 or over, disabled or hondi- MOBILE home for rent. 554- copped. No pets. Office 9632 or 444-9585. 1 2 i 3 BR mobile homes, equal housing opportunity.

Saddle Spur. 443-4846. "RRACE NICE 2 3 BR, dep. lease. applications being Klnoets 554-1977 taken for section 8 HUD No pets.

j34-iy. subsidized apts. 1, 2 and 3 -S BR no pets. North TO MOBILE HOME LOTS Friendship 554-7843. FPU KENT Equal Housing Opp.

LONE Ook Mobile Home VILLA LED A Spoces availoble. 1st month REIDLAND Also Gorden Townhouse 554-1977. SPACIOUS shaded lots. Phone 898-2685 paved street. Vi ml.

frorri ENERGY EFFICIENT Execu- monm free- tive opts. 1,100 sq. all Coll 443 8592. appl. including gar disp, dw, COUNTRY Aire Mobillond Mly carpe 2 BR one is 3712 Clarks River Rd.

TI" 25, Lots, $65; Homes, $150 4774 or 502-527-8574. 444-72 12 NEW downtown Near Saxony Mobile Home Park Executive Inn, Paducoh Swimming pool, laundromat nicest bachelor opt. Fully N. Friendship Rd. 554-4720 Ffjf- "b'D lo" 1 mi.

to Ky. Oaks Moll bedroom. $350 mo. Ph. Perry Driver, 443-4505.

WALTERS' Trailer Park, nu-e 2200 Bridge St. 443-7551, 2 B5' 1,10 554-5635442-8672. $120. Newly decorated remodeled kitchen, Ig. yard INDIAN OAKS, $60 gorden spot, fully cor- water ref fum.

442-1727. peted. Must see to oppre- dote. 876-7331. "AL, SP 1 Spur Trailer Park, 443-4846.

WEST END New 1 BR Executive apt. ACRE. not- Plush corpet, almond 90s, $55 mo 898-7616. Winds, wtfrrfum- MOBILE home spoces for 630 No 32nd St. $235 mo.

Call 443-7372 dep. 554-5321 7C WSINKS PIACIS RIVIERA APTS. 75 3,003 SQ.FT. NEW 1 BR cent, air, or 1,500 for lease, prime stove refrig. 3402 Hove- location, 554-4436.

ISTTSJll ,20 BAIT-TACKLE store plus 443-8636. gas station for rent $500 per 1 FURN. house, AC, $150 Bf house' J250 mo-mo. 1 furn. AC, $200 354-6496.

12'5 Husbands Rd. IDEAL place for rent for 443-5613. dress shop, etc. Economical 3 RM. no rent- 3-2609.

children, no pen. $100 mp. RESTAURANT for lease. Lse. Sec.

dep. 1 100 13. By See Mr. Mehta at 1380 Irvin 443-3040, 554-0592. CoM, Dr.

on Southside 9,048 SQ. ft. warehouse of Poducah. Rent negotable SPoce. Coll 898-3545.

with owner. 442-3102 or 443-1834. Tn REAL ESTATE 2 BR, central gas heat air, lOUK gST LOANS 3 ROOM fum. garage apt. Good location.

$150 mo. Jock 3-7373 Single person only. Call Bill B. ectste Worren, Realtor 554-3606. 70 BROKERS SLtM 5325 HENDRON RD.

VERY nice downtown Jeff, property! $144,000. St. opt. 3 rms. $175 per mo.

'DUPLEX Ref. 443-9457. Tennevue Estates. 1 baths each side, 3,200 sq. cent.

LONE Ook, nicer 2 BR, all AC $58 500 appl. washerdryer. $235. PER ACRE No kids, pets. 554-1428.

House 67 acres neor 1 Aorc 1 cd 1 Grahamville. $40,000. LARGE 2 BR nvF Tprwii 1 1 washer-dryer hookup, quiet LiL qoq in.i -u 'i 2 BK on acres with 2. area. 898-3963 after 3 p.m.

,,5. $35,000. 616 MADISON. 1 BR, wAC, stove, carpet. $165 mo.

dep. 554-4975. ItT' 1 T. DUPLEX in Lowertown, 3 BR 4dl'j $200 2 BR ffLi'A nt $175dep 618-524-4053. NICE 3 rm.

apt. Cent, heat air, washer dryer, ref. titlll? dep.req.4416W oan 554-494, air util. pd. Approisal Svc.

442-9357 Adults, no pets. Dep. 1607 ictiki-c Modison NEW LISTINGS CLEAN I BR port util. OAK 4 BR 21 3 air. $175.

443il06. brlck' cen- fs garage. On quiet street for NCE 1 BR util. pd. family living.

$47,000. Southside. 442-9125. 945 LORINE LN. 2 BR carpeted home in good NICE small fum.

apt. Adult. cond- fang heat. Try ond Reidlond. 442-0628.

beat this little West End EXTRA nice furn. iewel $24,000. Ideal ri rfo 442-6351 starter home or retiree. THANK YOU FOR THE GOOD city locations. 1 BR NEW LISTINGS.

WE LIST, opt. 443-0257. WE WORK, WE SELL! SPACIOUS 2 BR opt. in 1 1 fv Reidlond. 898-8275 after 6.

1 lljrrnS NICE fum. util. pd. No I Ltii Z3 I children or pets. 442-8877.

RIVERCREST fum. eff. Reidlond area. 898-3890. 443-8771 FURN.

opt. for rent, 3 BR. AVdcai ktatc Apply 6th. BCo6EcERScTE 1 BR fum. AC, cleon.

LS 554-4364 443'8839- GEORGE WILEY REALTOR SMALL odults, dep. 1643 Broodway 442-3128 or 442-6585. 444-9621 jjousS MARVIN MONTGOMERY TXa'ZZ. CHIEF PADUKE REALTY dep. Lown maintained, garden space.

Water fum. 2287BndgeSt. 443 7303 4430898. Alston Assoc. Realty 3 BR brick, Harold T.

Alston, Realtor available Sept. 1st. $325 442-9730 Month, plus ref. JIM LEWIS, REALTOR required. 898-6400.

2607 Jockson St. 3 BR, 1 Vi bath duplex, built. 4434771 442-0711 in kitchen, Concord- orea. $300 dep. Call after 5, OA HOUSES 554-4025.

0U FOR SALE EXCELLENT location spo 554-0007, ctous mo. 443- Only $1,500 553- down, IIVi finoneing, 2 BR house, stove refrig. nice cleon 2 BR house, fum. Air. McNobb School comer lot wgoroge 946 N.

dist. Dep. req. 4424856. 26th, $27,500.

442-0978. 2 BR oil electric. $200. WEST End location. Brick Skylond, U.S.

60 at Airport, ranch, 4 BR, 2 large Kit 444603 large den. Priced under replocement. $66,500. 395- LEASE 3 BR, carpeted gas 720 443946. oir, corport, fenced U75 mo.

1952 S. 25th. 440832. HEATHER HILLS HOUSES or opts, in Podu- 4 BR, 3 full formol LR, can Brook port or Mefropo- DR, tge. den wFP, gas lis, II.

6 1 8 564-2026. cent. oir. 443-7902. i HOLLY Hills.

Extra nice bldg. lots. K-2K ocres. Will finance. Starting at $2,500.

3V5-4330, 395-7663. IDEAL business location on Hwy. 60 in Ledbetter, opprox. 4 mi. east ot lenn, River bridge.

898-2417. BEAUTIFUL country lots, starting at $4,995. No down- payment, $50 mo. BVH 29 1 or 898-3951. LOT with shop.

Evenings 44J-VB17. I ACRE, wooded, Calvert City, 898-81 38, 3954607." Golden Acres, wooded lots, $6,900 up, 5540469. 85 BUSINESS PROPERTY FORSAU INCOME producing business properties in excellent city locations. 753-7846. 88 SPORTING GOODS 4 WHEEL EZ Go golf cart top.

battery 1 yr. old, exc. cond. 81 trailer, $1,400. 395-4275.

-I POWERBILT driver for sale. Phone 442-3579. 89 BOATS A ACCESSORIES FIBERGLASS HOUSEBOAT Low hours Bargain. BEAUTIFUL Ky. Lake Lot With Furnished Cottoge SEA-RAY 19' RUNABOUT CRUISERS, SEE US FOR ALL SIZES BOATS, REPAIRS A PAINTING EILLK0TTGEIO Boat Sales Service Grand Rivers Ph.

928-2569 I WANT TO MOVE 'EM MAKE ME A DEAL NOW CASH TALKS-BRING IT! SAVE LOTS OF WHEELS RY 4503 Clorks Riv Rd 898-7774 1977 CAPTAIN'S Craft, 53'xl3. Like new outside. With a little imagination. could be mode new inside. High freeboard, deep hull.

502436-5483. 76-53' Luxury Houseboat, live aboard or tomily tun, extra nice, loaded wall options, 2-225 hp V-Drives, 2 airs, 7.5 gen, may trade. 898-7774, 442-2278. BOAT COVERS, TOPS AND CURTAINS Pascal. Canvas 1210 Broodway 443-2571 1975 STARDUST cruiser, 53x13, generator, air, heat.

twin engines. All of the goodies. EXTRA, EXTRA NICE BOAT. 502-436-5483. 1R' I0f)l wvnBA.ipnoT 200 hp Mariner motor, 2 Lorance locators, 12-24 Byrd trolling motor, lots ot extras.

345-2580. MAKE YOUR DEAL NOW! 78-22' Craft 60 hrs, save. MAKE YOUR DEAL NOW! 1 9 Avenger Jet, fast, sharp. MAKE YOUR DEAL NOW! 77-16' Ebbtide Bowrider 17' CHECKMATE, walk-thru, 150 Merc, SS prop, trailer, nice. $5,400.

488-3539. 16' TRIMCRAFT walk-thru, 85 Evinruae 81 very good cond. 442-7865. CASH TALKS-BRING IT 77-1 7' Deck boot. 85 hp.

O'day and CAL yachts Eddy Creek Resort Marina 388-7743 or 388-2008 18' SIGN A Delta, 140 hp Johnson, skis life lockets. 443-9885. 25 HP Evinrude motor, electric start, exc. cond. 618-524-8831.

2014' WELLCRAFT wtrailer, 175 hp Mercury outboard, ofteti 5. 1976 GLASTRON-Carlson, 1 35 hp Johnson, immaculate cond. 898-6046 after 5 p.m. Wanted, nice boat, ony size, cash. 442-2278.

Wanted, nice boat, any size, cash. 442-2278. IRWIN 10-4 loaded. 527-3486. 928-4244.

90 CAMPERS A ACCESSORIES Pace Arrow Motor Homes Wilderness Travel Trailers Coleman Folding Trailers Roman Wheel Vans Many New Used To buy or sell your recreational vehicle. call or visit Czpstown RV Cape Girardeau, Mo. 314-334-7152 I WANT TO MOVE 'EM MAKE ME A DEAL NOW CASH TALKS-BRING IT! SAVE LOTS OF WHEELS RV 4503 Clarks Riv Rd 898-7774 Wilscn Capers 351 2 Clarks River Road CASH TALKS-BRING IT! 77-21' Stamper mini home. CASH TALKSBRING IT 25' Terry travel trl. oir.

awn. Wheels RV, 4503Clarks Riv Rd E-Z Lift Equalizer hitch, $150; minors, $25. Phone 443-5672. BEST DEALS AT WHEELS WheelsRV, 4503Clarks Riv Rd MAKE ME A DEAL NOW! 78-35' Bononzo Pork model. WheelsRV, 4503Clorks RivRd 1982 5TH WHEEL Cooch- men trailer, loaded wextros, in exc.

cond. 462-3926. STARCRAFT FOLD-DOWN compers, Compsite, Rt. 145. Metropolis, 6 1 8-524-5270 MAKE ME A DEAL NOW! 78-28' Revcon best luxury.

BUS camper, stove, water, sleeps 6. 554-0557. NICE Truck camper, 443-7044 or 442-56 1 6. 1980 CHEVY 4X4 PICKUP. Short bed, power steering, power brakes, tilt wheel, air, AM-FM cassette, rail ban, brush guard, 34,000 miles.

SEE: Wilford, Joe, PABUCAtl OATSUll 1049 KY.AVE. 442-7154 Par time 30 minutes 90 CAMPERS A ACCESSORIES 1973 PROWLER 20)4', has new oir, new owning- new carpet new upholstery. All towing accessories. $3,800. Call 554-1922 onytlme.

MUST GOCASH TALKS! 30' Invader 5th Wheel trl. WheelsRV, 4503ClarksRivRd Wartted motor home or camper, cash. 442-2278. 91 ICYCUS A MOTORCYCLES EVANS BA Poducah, KY 442-1655 NEW 1983 SALE GL-1 100 Interstate $4,795 VF-1 100 Magna $3,395 CB HOOF $3,195 750 Shodow- $2,695 500 Shadow $1,995 750 Nighthawk $2,595 650 Nighthawk $2,395 550 Nighthowk $2,195 VF 750 VF 750 Sobre $2,895 CLOSED MONDAYS BMW MOTORCYCLES, factory authorized sales service. Full line of new bikes in stock.

Demo sale now in progress. Grass Roots BMW, Carbondale, IL, 618-529-5700. 1973 HONDA Motorcycle, 350 4 cylinder, excellent cond. with Vetter Fairing, new tires muffler, and much, more, $775. Real sharp.

5544588 After 5 p.m. '80 KAWASAKI 250 LTD, windshield, sissy bar, luggage rock. 5,000 miles. Perfect condition. Must see to believe! 442-2977.

1983 HONDA Odyssey, less than 75 hrs. riding time, $1,250. 334-3521, after 3 weekdays. NEW Hang 2 double bucket seat back rest. Block with gold stitches.

618-524-7163 after 5 p.m. BICYCLES for sale, different sizes. I also will buy bikes, 442-829 1 after 4 or anytime weekends. WATSON'S Horley Dovid-son Sales, 502 S. 6th St.

443-5557. Financing available. 750 tfONDA 77K, windjammer, exc, $1,400, 554-0007, 1977 KAWASAKI 1000, like new. Need, to sell, $1,400. 898-7569.

1982 H.D. Sportster, exc. cond. Low mi. Weekdays after 5 only, 554-4872.

1978 750 HONDA, exc. cond. Must sell. 554-4940. RM370 DIRT Bike, good condition, 554-7330.

3 MOTORCYCLE trailer, heavy duty, 554-7330. '75 GOLDWING, exc. cond. Vienna, III. 618-658-8777.

92 SERVICE, PARTS A ACCESSORIES UNDERCOATING, $49,95. Rustproofing, paint fabric protector. Any cor, truck, van. Protect your new or used car. McNulty on the Beltline.

Used Carports of Poducah All mokes salvage parts. So. 6th at Caldwell 443-5894 1 969 CHEVELLE BODY 898-7068 93 AUTOMOBILES WANTED WANTED Cleon used cars, also wrecked junk cars. John Nelson Used Cars, 2004 Bridge St. 442-2404.

69-75 CHEVY van or pickup, 618-529-3563. 96 4-WHEEL DRIVES 1979 CHEVY Blazer. 4 wd. 29,000 oct. mi.

502-665-9176 after 5 p.m. 1979 TOYOTA PU. 51.000 oct. $5,500, 376-5264. 1 97 1 CJ5.

low mileaoe. good cond. 898-6954 97 TRUCKS FOR SALE 1983 MAZDA 2000 Sun downer Sport. 443-9 1 99. ioqi TnvmA i i $200 assume loan of $176 per mo.

554-2060. 1978 FORD pu. 3 so. s.w.b. $2,850 or best offer.

442-9736 or 442-0595. 1977 JEEP CJ-5. new top, 6 3 11x15 tires, spoke wneels, low mileage. 554327. 1976 FORD Courier.

AMFM cassette. 442-5209. 1975 FORD "Super Cob" XLT l.w.b.. PS. PB.

AC. mi. $2,850. Sell trade. 442-0595.


The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.